Browse the directory and partner with the QOZ network.
Michael Mills
Director of Economic and Community Development
Greater Nashville Regional Council
Opportunity Zones were established as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 as an economic development tool to spur investment in economically-distressed areas.
The program allows significant tax incentives to taxpayers to reinvest unrealized capital gains in certain properties and businesses located or operating in low-income Census tracts which have been designated as Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ) by the U.S. Department of Treasury. Thirty-one (31) Census tracts have been designated as QOZs in the Greater Nashville Area.
Opportunity Zone Webinar: March 2, 2021
OZ State of the Marketplace - Feb 2021
HUD Secretary Announces new Incentives for OZ
You can find general information about Opportunity Zones by visiting the following links:
IRS Opportunity Zones Frequently Asked Questions
TN ECD Opportunity Zones Information